Benevolence Organizations
865-986-3468 - American Red Cross
865-986-2775 - Boy Scouts
865-986-3809 - Boys & Girls Club
865-986-2638 - Civitan Club
no phone - Daughters of the American Revolution
865-408-1322 - God's Cozy Acres (Retreat for Widows)
865-986-1777 - Good Samaritan Center
865-986-3388 - Habitat for Humanity
865-599-3793 - Helping Hands (a ministry of Walk by Faith Church)
865-986-9266 - Highland Park Ruritan Club
865-986-7734 - Hope Resource Center
865-986-2292 - Immanuel House (for displaced children)
865-988-7867 - Iva's Place (women's shelter and pantry)
865-387-8387- Kiwani's Club Loudon County
865-986-9990 - Lion's Club
865-986-1951 - Pilot Club
865-986-6822 - Rotary Club
865-986-1692 - Salvation Army
865-986-3880 - Suburbia Women's Club
865-986-4820 - United Way
865-271-1082 - Young Life

(Baptist Association Office 865-986-2292)
no phone - Antioch Baptist
no phone - Beals Chapel Baptist
865-986-9822 - Bell Avenue Baptist
no phone - Bellview Baptist
865-986-9741 - Bible Baptist
865-986-3567 - Calvary Baptist
no phone - Cave Creek Missionary Baptist
865-986-9692 - Community Baptist
865-988-9692 - Cornerstone Missionary Baptist
865-603-4427 - Daystar Church
865-986-8801 - Dixie Lee Baptist
865-712-8717 - Faith Baptist/Iglesia Bautista La Fe (se habla Español)
865-988-9722 - Faithway Baptist Mission
865-986-8466 - Fellowship Missionary Baptist
865-986-9066 - First Baptist Lenoir City
865-988-8818 - Forgiveness Baptist
865-986-8010 - Friendship Baptist
no phone - Glendale Baptist
865-986-8294 - Gospel Light Baptist
865-988-3927 - Grace Baptist Church
865-986-1013 - Grace Baptist Tabernacle
865-405-7446 - The Grove Baptist Church
no phone - Hensley's Chapel Primitive Baptist
865-986-5504 - Hickory Creek Community Baptist
865-986-3095 - Hickory Valley Baptist
865-986-5699 - Highland Park Baptist
865-804-0763 - Iglesia Bautista La Cruz (se habla Español)
865-986-8628 - Kingston Pike Baptist
865-986-8815 - Lee Heights Baptist
865-986-8294 - Lighthouse Baptist
865-988-9430 - Mt. Pisgah Primitive Baptist
865-986-4442 - Nelson Street Missionary Baptist
865-986-5895 - New Providence Baptist
865-986-2857 - Oak Grove Missionary Baptist
865-988-3945 - Old Time Gospel Church
865-986-2594 - Oral Baptist Church
no phone - Paw Paw Plains Baptist
865-988-4538 - Pine Grove Baptist
865-986-7540 - Refuge Church at Pleasant Hill
865-986-5465 - Primitive Baptist
865-986-9764 - Riverview Baptist
865-986-7892 - Second Baptist
865-986-0442 - Shady Grove Baptist
865-458-6146 - Shepherd's Fold
865-986-8557 - Silver Ridge Baptist
865-986-9415 - Solid Rock Missionary Baptist
865-986-6644 - South Holston Missionary Baptist
865-986-9608 - Vaughn's Chapel Baptist
865-986-3067 - West Broadway Baptist
865-986-7945 - Woodlawn Independent Baptist
865-988-8307 - Axley's Chapel United Methodist
865-986-7329 - Central United Methodist
865-986-9395 - Good Shepherd United Methodist
865-986-7028 - Martel United Methodist
865-986-2325 - Trinity United Methodist


865-986-5097 - Clinch View Cumberland Presbyterian
865-988-8522 - Faith Fellowship Cumberland Presbyterian
865-986-3901 - First Presbyterian
865-660-7579 - Iglesia Prebisteriana (se habla Español)

865-604-6367 - Acts Church
865-986-2108 - Apostolic Christian Center
951-536-1562 - Casa de Fe/House of Faith (se habla Español)
865-237-3272 - Church of God UA
865-405-9208 - My Father's House
865-816-4434 - Faith Chapel Ministries
865-988-4011 - Faith Outreach Assembly of God
no phone - Huntsville Church of God
865-986-3349 - North Lenoir Church of God
865-742-4246 - Signed, Sealed and Delivered
865-986-6000 - Sixth Avenue Church of God
865-317-1091 - Transformations International
865-988-4878 - Tree of Life Messianic
865-986-3026 - Victory Temple Assemblies of God
865-317-4468 - Worship Life Church

Other Faiths
865-988-3820 - Hindu Community Center

Other Denominations & Non-Denominational
865-599-0025 - Canvas Fellowship
865-986-7050 - Cristiano el Faro (se habla Español)
865-986-7050 - Christian Church of Loudon County
865-986-8327 - Church of Christ
no phone - Church of God of Prophecy
865-986-2065 - Crossroads Church of the Nazarene
865-988-7856 - First Church of God
865-986-7959 - First Church of the Nazarene
865-986-3018 - Heartland Worship Center
864-913-5182 - Iglesia Apostolar Centro Cristiano (se habla Español)
no phone - La Nueva Jerusalem (D St)
865-317-4095 - Local Church of Lenoir City
865-988-5683 - Marantha Church of the Harvest
865-271-7651 - Passion Church Ministries
509-768-6645 - Patriot Church
no phone - Real Life Worship Center
423-838-4030 - Saint Nektarios Orthodox Church
865-986-9885 - Saint Thomas the Apostle Catholic
865-986-1692 - Salvation Army
865-986-4721 - Seventh Day Adventist
865-986-2191 - Two Rivers Church
865-986-6756 - Walk by Faith Christian Church

Cemeteries & Monuments
865-988-6887 - Lakeview Memorial Gardens
865-986-9467 - Lee Heights Monuments
865-986-0065 - Loudon Co. Memorial Gardens
no phone - Martel Memorial Cemetery (Beals Chapel Rd)

Knoxville Churches
Non-English speaking area Churches
Ministries & Churches