February 2023 Event Calendar
WEDS-TUES, Feb 1-28 - Pigeon Forge - HOMESCHOOL DAYS at WonderWorks

WEDS, Feb 1,8,15,22 -  Lenoir City - THE WELL Worship & Prayer meetings at Two Rivers Church Harrison Lane Campus 6:30pm https://2rc.tv/well/

THURS, Feb 2 - GROUNDHOG DAY - https://www.groundhog.org/legend-and-lore

THURS, Feb 2,9,16 - Knoxville - GRIEFSHARE Classes at Calvary Knoxville 7pm https://calvaryknoxville.churchcenter.com/groups/groups-small-groups/griefshare

FRI-SAT, Feb 3-4 - Farragut - 865 MEN'S CONFERENCE at First Baptist Concord Fri-5pm Sat-8am

SAT, Feb 4 - Knoxville - CARS & COFFEE at European Auto Garage (off Lovell Rd)

SUN, Feb 5 - Pigeon Forge - SENSORY DAY at WonderWorks 2pm-6pm

MON, Feb. 6 - Loudon - LOUDON COUNTY COMMISSION MEETING - 6pm - residents concerned about LENOIR CITY ANNEXATION of MORE Loudon County lands are invited to attend the meeting at the County Courthouse annex. Your participation helps transparency & influences how Commissioners vote. https://vanshaver.com/illegal_annexation_7.htm

MON, Feb 6,13,20,27 - Lenoir City - HOMESCHOOL BALLET classes at Miss Chloe's School of Dance (ages 11-15) 1pm-2pm $45 https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063805412421

TUES, Feb. 7,14,21,28 - Lenoir City - BIBLICAL CITIZENSHIP CLASS 6:30pm at Patriot Church https://patriotchurch.us/knoxville

TUES, Feb 7,14,21,28 - Tellico Village - MOUNTAIN ECHOES DULCIMER CLUB meets at the Chota Recreation Center 1pm-3pm For more info contact Ben D’Ooge at 865-385-8280 or dooge@hotmail.com

TUES, Feb 7,14,21,28 - Kingston - BLUEGRASS JAMMING $2 at Bradbury Community Club. https://www.roanetourism.com/event/156705/bluegrass-jammin-sessions/

WEDS, Feb 8,15,22 - Knoxville - DIVORCECARE Classes start at West Park Baptist Church
https://westparkbaptist.org/divorcecare/ In-person or online

THURS, Feb 9 - Lenoir City - LADIES NIGHT OUT in Downtown Lenoir City 4pm-8pm

FRI, Feb. 10 - Lenoir City - TN SONGWRITERS at Southern Belle 7pm-10pm

FRI-SUN, Feb 10-12 - Knoxville - Dogwood Arts HOUSE & GARDEN SHOW at the Knoxville Convention Center
https://www.dogwoodarts.com/houseandgardenshow $10 adults, $8 senior adults

FRI-SUN, Feb 10-12 - Maryville - HEART'S DESIRE VENDOR & CRAFT SHOW at Foothills Mall 10am

SAT, Feb. 11 - Lenoir City - SMALL SPACE FOOD PRODUCTION class 10-11am at Patriot Church RSVP
https://strongrootsresources.com/events-and-classes/ $5

MON, Feb. 13 - Lenoir City - PATRIOT NETWORK (P-NET) https://www.tilministry.com/ OPEN MEETING 7pm meeting at the Patriot Church https://patriotchurch.us/knoxville (Note: Patriot CHURCH, under Ken Peters is separate, but allied with P-NET under Shahram Hadian (it's a network for preparing Christians for challenging times).

MON, Feb. 13 - Knoxville - HEART CHRISTIAN ACADEMY (2 day a week Co-op) informational meeting https://www.heartchristianacademy.org/infomeet.html 4pm at Parkway Baptist (Knoxville campus) 865-229-6075

Affiliates at: https://jamkids.org $8-$15 www.youtube.com/watch?v=28vdicZ891k

TUES, Feb 14 - VALENTINE'S DAY - buy coffee for a stranger and give them a link, cards at: https://whyiboughtyourcoffee.com/how/
Offer daily prayers for 5 of your closest neighbors--by NAME on a map of your neighborhood: https://blesseveryhome.com/

TUES, Feb 14 - Spencer, TN - VALENTINE'S DAY LUNCH & DINNER at Fall Creek Falls State Park
$39 per person https://tnstateparks.com/parks/promotion-details/fall-creek-falls/valentines-celebration-at-fall-creek-falls

TUES, Feb. 14 - Knoxville - VALENTINE'S DAY DINNER served by church youth 6pm $15

THURS, Feb 16 - Lenoir City - AMERICAN LEGION POST 70 Meeting 6pm

THURS-SUN, Feb. 16-19 & 23-26 - Tellico Village - ARSENIC & OLD LACE theater performances 7:30pm (Sun. 1:30) https://www.tellicocommunityplayhouse.org/ $21

Here's an easy one: https://whyiboughtyourcoffee.com/

FRI, Feb 17 - Lenoir City - LITTLE T SQUARE DANCING at the Memorial Building 7pm

FRI, Feb 17 - Lenoir City - TASTE OF LOUDON COUNTY BUSINESS EXPO at The Venue No entry fee https://www.facebook.com/events/537950084886524/ Tasting tickets-$10 for Adults $5 for Children

FRI-SUN, Feb 17-19 - Knoxville - KNOXVILLE FLEA MARKET No charge Fri-2pm-6pm Sat-10am-6pm Sun-10am-4pm

SAT, Feb. 18 - Rugby - 3rd SATURDAY HIKE 10am-12:30pm

SAT, Feb. 18 - Knoxville - HOMESCHOOL GRADUATION CEREMONY meeting for those interested 10am-12noon at Trinity Community Church https://www.smhea.org/events-1

SAT, Feb 18 - Loudon - LISTEN & HEAR: CONCERT SERIES at The Shop on Wharf 3pm
https://www.facebook.com/events/5857296841030939/ No charge

SAT-SUN, Feb 18-19 - Farragut - QUILT SHOW at the Farragut Community Center Sat-8am-7:30pm Sun-10am-4pm https://www.farragutparksandrec.org/quilt-show No charge

SAT-SUN, Feb. 18-19 - Maryville - GUN SHOW at the Armory (1721 Lamar Alexander Parkway)
Sat 9am-5pm, Sun 10am-3pm https://gunshowtrader.com/gun-shows/maryville-gun-knife-show/

MON, Feb 20 - PRESIDENTS DAY - audio speech 'Inauguration of George Washington' (8 min.)

MON, Feb. 20 - Knoxville - 'THE CONFESSION MUSICAL' (movie) with Chonda Pierce & John Schneider

MON, Feb 20 - Maryville - OASIS-REFRESH worship event at Rio Church on Hwy 321S. 6:30pm https://riorevolution.com/event/2001493-2023-02-20-oasis-refresh/

MON, Feb 20 - Knoxville - IMPROVING YOUR BALANCE FROM THE GROUND UP health class at 2099 Thunderhead Rd #205
https://cheoknox.org/event/improving-your-balance-from-the-ground-up/ 6:30pm

WEDS, Feb 22 - Farragut - SONGWRITERS SHOWCASE at Daddy Mac's Home Down Drive 6pm No charge, but please register https://visitfarragut.org/event/farragut-songwriters-showcase/

WEDS, Feb. 22 - Farragut - BROOKLYN TABERNACLE SINGERS 6:30pm at First Baptist Concord https://concordonline.org/events/brooklyn-tabernacle-singers/

THURS-FRI, Feb 23-24 - Knoxville - BRAHMS VIOLIN CONCERTO at the Tennessee Theatre
https://knoxvillesymphony.com/concert/brahms-violin-concerto/ Both shows at 7:30pm

THURS & SAT, Feb 23 (5-7pm) & 25 (9am-1pm) - Lenoir City - VOLUNTEER TRAINING for Shangri-la Therapeutic Academy of Riding (STAR) https://www.rideatstar.org/volunteer-forms.html

THURS-SAT, Feb. 23-25 - East TN FISH WAGON deliveries (for stocking ponds) THURS: 9:30-10:15 at Knox Farmer's Co-op; FRI: Maryville AG-Central 1:30, Loudon 3:45, Athens 4:45, SAT: Harriman at AG-Central 7:30am. To place an order: www.fishwagon.com or call 800-643-8439.

FRI-SAT, Feb 24-25 - Farragut - PARENTING CONFERENCE at First Baptist Concord
https://concordonline.org/events/parenting-conference-2023/ $30

SAt, Feb 25 - Oak Ridge - INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL at the Children's Museum of Oak Ridge 10am-4pm

SAT, Feb. 25 - Lenoir City - WILD BEAST FEAST at First Baptist Lenoir City - Games & exhibits begin at 2pm. Dinner Feast is served at 4 & 6:30 PM. The program begins at 5 PM with a special guest speaker, Dr. Chris Stevens & door prize giveaways.  No charge, but donations are appreciated. PRE-REGISTER at https://myfbclc.org/ or 865-986-9066.

SAT, Feb. 25 - Athens - POLAR BEAR WALK at 11am starting at 'New Attitude' store https://www.facebook.com/thewell0010/ fundraiser for 'Women at the Well' http://www.thewomenatthewell.com/ $25

SAT, Feb. 25 - Maryville - 'SECOND CHANCE' PROM ATTIRE GIVEAWAY at RIO Revolution Church  8am-12noon http://riorevolution.com click on 'events'

SAT, Feb 25 - Sevierville - LITERARY FESTIVAL (meet authors) 9am-4pm http://www.roseglenfestival.com/Default.aspx

SAT-SUN, Feb 25-26 - Knoxville - GUN SHOW at the Knoxville Expo Center $7.50-$14.50 Sat-9am-5pm Sun-9am-4pm

SUN, Feb 26 - Alcoa - BRIDAL SHOW at Airport Hilton 1-4pm https://www.foothillsbridal.com/bridal-show/

MON, Feb. 27 - Knoxville - JESUS REVOLUTION MOVIE at Regal Pinnacle 7-8pm https://jesusrevolution.movie/about $14